Energy Modelling
The basis of energy modelling is to provide a holistic approach to building design.
The process is a computerized simulation of a building that takes into account a variety of energy-consuming items such as electricity for airconditioning, heating, cooling, cooking, lighting, elevators etc.
New building
For new buildings, energy modelling gives a good gauge of the energy consumption, identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved. This gives a good indication of how the building will operate.
When is Energy Modelling required?
- Higher tiers of Green-Mark certifications: i.e. GoldPLUSor Platinum
- LEED: Building projects to achieve Energy and Atmosphere (EA) prerequisite
These are some benefits:
- Gain insights & competitive advantage
- Comfortable and efficient buildings
- Predict monthly energy consumption and bills
- Forecast annual energy cost
- Determine life-cycle payback
- Determine annual CO2 emissions
- Building Owner (Lower energy bills, Emission tax & higher rental yields)
- Building tenants (Lower energy bills)
- Lesser carbon footprint (lower emissions & lower demand for energy)
Solar Shading
As consultants, we help designers and building owners determine if their current designs allow sufficient lighting.
These are some factors being taken into account:
- Site & building geographic position
- Date & Time
- Altitude and Azimuth (Point of view)
- Properties of fixtures (Doors, windows etc)
- Shadow-voltaic systems
- Shading
- Orientation of building
These are the main important factors while doing simulation:
- Ensuring enough sunlight penetrates the compound, avoiding glare and visual discomfort
- Allowing uniform distribution of sunlight
- Visualizing and simulating the shadow cast by the sun
Daylighting Studies
Why is Daylighting Studies important?
Exposure to the right amounts of sunlight reinforces the alignment of our circadian rhythm (an internal body clock that keeps the body’s hormones and bodily process running in the background to carry out essential bodily functions). With good alignment, one can get consistent and restorative sleep.
However, too much sunlight can cause glare, which in turn cause discomfort, fatigue, and lower levels of productivity.
What We Do
At GreenA Consultants, we conduct Spatial Daylight Autonomy (SDA) and Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE) simulations for projects to help them balance out daylight and potential glare.
View our related project here: Spatial Daylight Autonomy for CBRE Office