As part of the sustainability journey, Schenker Singapore is taking first phase of concrete actions to decarbonize the operations in the first 5 owned sites – SLC, SLC1, SLC2, SLC3 and RedLion1 – with a goal to reach net zero for all the sites in Singapore by 2030.
GreenA Consultants’ Involvement
GreenA is the Decarbonization Partner of DB Schenker Singapore. We provided energy savings strategies, co-organized the DB Schenker Digital Challenge Call and the entire building certification process of the 5 warehouses.
DB Schenker Digital Challenge Call for SLC, SLC1, SLC2
The Challenge Call was launched to harness the potential of digital technology to manage the use of resources and achieve sustainability in the three oldest warehouse management.
Sub-metering Installation
Installation of wireless submetering for power, water and IAQ sensors around the warehouses to monitor the building consumption at granular level.
Digital Twin Creation
The three oldest sites will have a digital platform with 3D view of the buildings and assets. The platform has capabilities such as energy performance dashboard, carbon baseline tracking, integrated Smart Facility management.
Advanced Lighting Systems
Retrofit all old lightings to new LED high-bay lights with capability of continuous dimming and smart off-site control. Estimated energy savings of 66% from current baseline.
Solar Energy Integration
The rooftop of three sites will be installed with the maximum amount of bifacial solar panels. The total system capacity for 3 sites is 938 kWp, expected to generate 2,674 MWh/year in total. The space efficiency of 0.29 MWh/year/m2.
Building Certifications
With the proposed energy savings measures to be implemented, all of the 5 owned sites are in the process of getting the LEED Operations + Maintenance (O+M) and LEED Zero Energy. For Red Lion 1, the building is obtaining an additional certification for Green Mark Super Low Energy (SLE). All these concrete actions are a testament to DB Schenker Singapore’s commitment to achieving Net Zero operations.